Jean-Marie Massaud
Since the beginning of his career, Jean-Marie Massaud has been working on an extensive range of works, stretching from architecture to objects, from one-off project to serial ones, from macro environment down to micro contexts. Beyond these elegant designs, his quest for lightness – in matters of essence – synthesize three broader stakes: individual and collective fulfillment, economic and industrial efficiency, and environmental concerns. His creations, whether speculative or pragmatic, explore this imperative paradigm: reconciling pleasure with responsibility, the individual with the collective.
- 365 North
- 967Arch
- AC/AL Studio
- Achille & Pier Giacomo Castiglioni
- Achille Castiglioni
- Adele Martelli
- Adolf Loos
- Adolf Loos & Josef Frank
- Afteroom Studio
- Alain Gilles
- Alatere Collateral Design
- Alba Gallizia
- Alberico B. Belgiojoso
- Alberto Basaglia and Natalia Rota Nodari
- Alberto Colombi
- Alberto Lievore
- Alberto Mantegna
- Alberto Saggia & Valerio Sommella
- Aldo Bakker
- Aldo Rossi & Luca Meda
- Alessandro Busana
- Alessandro Dubini
- Alessandro Elli
- Alessandro Mendini
- Alessandro Pedretti
- Alessio Bassan
- Alessio Bassan & Silvano Pierdona
- Alf Svensson & Yngvar Sandström
- Allan Gould
- Alonso González