Lee, Pooladian, Yorba

Albert Lee is a Korean-American designer. After graduating from Kaywon Art High School in Korea, he moved to the U.S. to attend Art Center studying Industrial Design where he expanded his design vernacular to include furniture design as well as environmental design. Born in Iran and of Armenian descent, Zorine Pooladian expressed a passion for art and design at an early age. As an Ahmanson Foundation Scholar, Pooladian pursued her interest in furniture and designed Beat and Aria, rocking stools that were finalists in the design creativity category at the International Woodworking Fair in Atlanta. As an industrial design student at Art Center, Daniel Yorba cultivated a passion for furniture, sporting goods and two-wheeled transportation. Lee, Pooladian and Yorba created the Story, an elegantly simple yet highly functional table, which was widely acclaimed.

Lee, Pooladian, Yorba

Lee, Pooladian, Yorba

Albert Lee is a Korean-American designer. After graduating from Kaywon Art High School in Korea, he moved to the U.S. to attend Art Center studying Industrial Design where he expanded his design vernacular to include furniture design as well as environmental design. Born in Iran and of Armenian descent, Zorine Pooladian expressed a passion for art and design at an early age. As an Ahmanson Foundation Scholar, Pooladian pursued her interest in furniture and designed Beat and Aria, rocking stools that were finalists in the design creativity category at the International Woodworking Fair in Atlanta. As an industrial design student at Art Center, Daniel Yorba cultivated a passion for furniture, sporting goods and two-wheeled transportation. Lee, Pooladian and Yorba created the Story, an elegantly simple yet highly functional table, which was widely acclaimed.