Paola Navone
Born in Turin, Paola Navone later moved to Milan, although she is first and foremost a citizen of the world: driven by her extreme interest in the most widely differing cultures – particularly oriental ones – she travels a great deal, bowing to a natural inclination to cross boundaries, and not only geographical ones. In her long and many-sided career she has switched easily between the roles of architect, designer, art director, interior designer, critic, teacher and organiser of exhibitions and events. Navone graduated in 1973 in architecture from the Turin Politecnico.
- 365 North
- 967Arch
- AC/AL Studio
- Achille & Pier Giacomo Castiglioni
- Achille Castiglioni
- Adele Martelli
- Adolf Loos
- Adolf Loos & Josef Frank
- Afteroom Studio
- Alain Gilles
- Alatere Collateral Design
- Alba Gallizia
- Alberico B. Belgiojoso
- Alberto Basaglia and Natalia Rota Nodari
- Alberto Colombi
- Alberto Lievore
- Alberto Saggia & Valerio Sommella
- Aldo Bakker
- Aldo Rossi & Luca Meda
- Alessandro Busana
- Alessandro Dubini
- Alessandro Elli
- Alessandro Mendini
- Alessandro Pedretti
- Alessio Bassan
- Alessio Bassan & Silvano Pierdona
- Alf Svensson & Yngvar Sandström
- Allan Gould
- Alonso González
- Anatomy Design